Scope and sequence (F–10)
Learning programs to support implementation
Sequenced topics that could be used in teaching the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies curriculum to address the content descriptions of the curriculum. The Scope and sequence has been updated to support teachers to implement AC:DT V9.0.
Select a topic across a two year cycle
Recommended any combination of three topics per year.
Choose a combination of units that suits your students and context.
Cycle one (Year 5)
Cycle one (Year 5)
Jan | Jun | Dec | |||||||||
Cycle two (Year 6)
Jan | Jun | Dec | |||||||||
Representing data in digital systems
This unit explores binary numbers through pixel-based image creation to help students understand the purpose and functionality of binary. It also covers data types as we explore how information is represented internally in digital systems and the operations that can be performed on it.
Achievement standards
Students process data and show how digital systems represent data. They design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Australian Curriculum
Content descriptions
Data representation AC9TDI6K03, AC9TDI6K04
Generating and designing AC9TDI6P02
Producing and implementing AC9TDI6P05
Related content and General capabilities
Mathematics: Number AC9M5N010, Algebra AC9M6A03
The Arts: AC9AVA6C01
Numeracy: Number patterns and algebraic thinking
Digital Literacy: Creating, Investigating
Critical and Creative Thinking
This topic enables students to
- describe ways that digital systems use numerical representations for data including binary digits
- apply algorithmic thinking to encode images and investigate patterns
- use a spreadsheet to automate processes such as representing cells in colour using whole numbers or binary
- identify and describe data types
- implement programs using visual programming that use data types
- demonstrate that the choice of data type influences the operations that can be performed.
Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.
Assessment View assessment advice
Achievement standards
Digital Technologies: Years 5-6
By the end of Year 6, students process data and show how digital systems represent data. They design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Assessment tasks
Binary representation: symbols Binary Images –
Binary representation: pixels Pixels and binary digits
Use these two rubrics to assess student skills, processes and knowledge.
Data representation using binary numbers and whole numbers
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of:
- representing data using ones and zeros (binary)
- encoding and decoding using binary
- creativity and proficiency in using whole numbers to create pixel art.
Data types and operations
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of complexity and proficiency in:
- levels of understanding of data types, specifically focusing on strings and numbers
- identifying data types and control structures, as well as understanding the role of variables in programming
- applying and using data types in programming tasks, particularly focusing on string and number data types
- using control structures, variables and user input in programming tasks, with emphasis on the progression from basic sequences to more advanced programs with complex branching, iteration and the use of variables.
Rubric: Data representation using binary numbers and whole numbers
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | |
Knowledge of binary number system | has a limited understanding of representing data using ones and zeros | shows understanding of ones and zeros relating to scenarios that use on/off, such as switches | shows understanding of using ones and zeros to represent data and provides relevant examples to assist in their explanation | demonstrates understanding of using ones and zeros to represent data and provides relevant examples to assist in their explanation, and can explain how binary numbers are used in computer systems |
Encoding and decoding using binary | decodes a series of steps that includes binary to create an image, but there are noticeable errors in the resulting image | demonstrates the ability to encode and decode step-by-step instructions (algorithm) that include binary to create an image with minimal errors or no errors | consistently encodes and decodes an algorithm that includes binary to create an image with no errors, and describes patterns in the algorithm that repeat | consistently encodes and decodes instructions that include binary to create an image, and includes ways to more effectively perform the task for example using algorithms with iteration (repeat steps) |
Creative use of whole numbers to represent data as pixel art | creates an image of pixel art by manually colouring a printed grid using whole numbers to represent colours | creates an image of pixel art by representing colours with numbers and manually colouring each individual cell in a digital grid | creates an image of pixel art using a spreadsheet, where colours are represented by numbers, and uses features such as copy and paste to colour each individual cell | creates an image of pixel art using a spreadsheet representing colours by numbers using conditional formatting, a form of branching to automate the colouring of each individual cell; incorporates representation of data using whole numbers in programming tasks involving complex branching, iteration and variables |
Rubric: Data types and operations
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | |
Knowledge of data types (strings and numbers) | has a limited understanding of different data types | shows understanding of either strings or numbers as data types | shows understanding of strings and numbers as data types and provides relevant examples to support understanding | explains that the data type used to represent data determines the operations that can be performed on that data; provides relevant examples to illustrate how different data types enable specific operations |
Identification of data types: Identifies control structures (sequence, branching and iteration), variables and input | misidentifies data types in given examples, and is not able to interpret the sequence of steps | accurately identifies most data types in provided examples; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching or iteration | consistently identifies data types correctly in various examples; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching and iteration | demonstrates a high level of accuracy in identifying data types; interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, branching and iteration; explains ways a variable serves as a 'container' to hold and manipulate different data types within a program |
Applying and using data types in programming tasks | uses a simple string in a programming task but shows limited understanding of its usage | applies basic use of string and number data types in programming tasks, however, may seek guidance in determining when to use string concatenation (joining strings) versus using operators for number data types | applies the use of string and number data types in programming tasks and displays an understanding of when and how to apply them appropriately; differentiates between joining strings (concatenation) and using operators for number data types effectively | consistently applies a wide range of data types skilfully in programming tasks, demonstrating an advanced understanding of their usage and benefits; effectively chooses and implements the appropriate data types for specific programming scenarios, including strings and numbers |
Using control structures (sequence, branching and iteration), variables and input in programming tasks | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps to perform a basic task | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes a decision (branching) to provide the user with a choice | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps) | creates a program with multiple user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps); includes the use of variables to hold and manipulate different data types within a program |
Unit sequence
This topic offers 3 sequential units
Unit 1
Data representation using binary
Students encode and decode an image using ones and zeros.Unit 2
Creativity with automated pixel art
Students explore pixel images and use algorithms to generate patterns by repeating specific instructions involving binary.Unit 3
Data types and operations
Students learn about data types (numbers and strings) and create computer programs that use these data types.Data representation using binary
What is this about?
Digital systems, like computers, represent information using binary digits, ones and zeros. The term ‘binary’ refers to the use of only two values such as two digits or two states: on/off. Computer screens display images as grids of pixels, which are tiny, coloured squares. Exploring binary numbers through pixel-based image creation helps students understand the purpose and functionality of binary. With a single binary digit (one bit ), we can only represent two values. So, using one bit to represent a pixel's colour means each pixel can only have one of two possible colours. There are efficient ways of encoding an image in binary, such as run-length encoding.
Content description
Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary) AC9TDI6K04
This sequence enables students to:
- use one bit to represent the colour of a single pixel
- encode and decode an image using ones and zeros
- use a spreadsheet to automate a process to encode cells in a grid to create an image
- apply knowledge of binary to other contexts, for example, on/off switches.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
Binary representation activity
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Colour by numbers – CS Unplugged
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Binary Acknowledgement of Country
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Squeezing pictures into less space
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Years 5–6 Binary representation activity
Use this unplugged lesson to encode/decode an image using a ‘binary alphabet’ using two values such as letters or numbers.
- printed sheets or cards (documents provided)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- encode and decode an image using a 'binary alphabet' using two values such as letters or numbers.

Years 5–6 Colour by numbers – CS Unplugged
Use this lesson to introduce a pixel and coding a grid using zeros and ones.
- printed sheets or cards (documents provided)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- encode and decode an image made up of 1 bit per pixel using binary numbers ones and zeros
- explain how images can be stored and represented using digits.

Years 5–6 Binary Acknowledgement of Country
In this learning sequence we explore data representation, learning about the way data in the form of text, can be represented in binary (on and off states). In using the context of Acknowledgement of Country we explore First Nations language groups written digitally as symbols and using a long thread of beads.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify the local First Nations language group
- describe how text can be represented in binary
- represent the local First Nations language group in binary (on/off states).

Years 5–6 Squeezing pictures into less space
Use this lesson to introduce a pixel and code a grid using ones and zeros using run-length encoding.
- printed sheets or cards (documents provided)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- encode and decode an image made up of 1 bit per pixel using binary numbers ones and zeros
- use run-length encoding and describe how this is a more efficient way of encoding
- explain how images can be stored and represented using digits.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Pixel art to binary – 1 bit
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Black and white pixelation tutorial
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Representing images using binary: totems
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Years 5–6 Pixel art to binary – 1 bit
Explore patterns using ones and zeros. Students share their binary code to decode.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain how binary numbers are used to create 1 bit per pixel images
- explain how images can be stored and represented using digits.

Years 5–6 Black and white pixelation tutorial
Explore creating black-and-white images using ones and zeros.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain how binary numbers are used to create 1 bit per pixel images
- describe how greyscale is used in 2 bit per pixel images
- explain that to represent the colour of each pixel in more colours other than black and white requires more numbers (for instance, more binary digits).

Years 5–6 Representing images using binary: totems
In this lesson, students will interpret a First Nations Australian artwork by representing an image they create as a binary image with accompanying code.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablet
- slides and worksheet (provided)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- explain how binary numbers are used to create 1 bit per pixel images
- explain that to represent the colour of each pixel in more colours other than black and white requires more numbers (for instance, more binary digits).

Resources to extend and integrate learning
Hour of code: Virtual pet
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Flashing emotions
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Home automation programming
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Years 5–6 Hour of code: Virtual pet
This tutorial shows how to use the 5 x 5 display of LEDs and the two buttons (A and B) of the micro:bit simulator in blockly code.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe how to create a program that turns LEDs on a micro:bit on and off
- explain their understanding of binary on/off switches.

Years 5–6 Flashing emotions
Create a program that turns on the LEDs in a micro:bit project.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- physical micro:bit (optional)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how to create a program that turns LEDs on a micro:bit on and off
- explain their understanding of binary on/off switches.

Years 5–6 Home automation programming
Incorporate binary into programming using switching appliances on and off.
- computers, laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- create a program that turns switches on and off
- include user input, branching, iteration and variables.

Creativity with automated pixel art
What is this about?
Pixel art is a digital art form that uses small, distinct pixels arranged in a grid-like pattern to create images. Each pixel can be assigned 1 bit to represent an image in binary, for example, in black and white in binary with black = 0 and white = 1. As an extension, students can explore greyscale that uses 2 bits to represent an image allowing for four colour values.
Algorithms can be used to generate patterns by repeating specific instructions involving binary. For example, use iteration to repeat a set of instructions that turn pixels on or off in a specific pattern.
A spreadsheet can be used to automate design of pixel art. As an alternative, instead of using binary, students could use whole numbers to represent colours in their spreadsheet, for example, red = 1, blue = 2, yellow = 3.
Content descriptions
Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary) AC9TDI6K04
Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers AC9TDI6K03
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05
This sequence enables students to:
- use 1 bit to represent the colour of a single pixel
- encode an image using binary or whole numbers
- create pixel art using conditional formatting in a spreadsheet
- generate visual patterns by repeating specific instructions using ones and zeros.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
Years 5–6 Pixel art series
Use these examples of Pixel Art to inspire students to create and design their own pixel art.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or alternatively view as a class on an interactive whiteboard
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how to create pixel art.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Years 5–6 Artist binary
Generate visual patterns by repeating specific instructions that include a string of binary numbers.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how to create visual patterns using repeated steps that include strings of binary numbers.

Years 5–6 Make art with Google sheet
Create a pixel art project using conditional formatting in a spreadsheet. Represent colours using whole numbers, for example, Yellow = 1.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- spreadsheet software (for example, Excel, Sheets, Numbers)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- create pixel art using conditional formatting in a spreadsheet
- represent data using numbers.

Resources to apply and extend learning
Years 5–6 AI and image recognition
Incorporate a spreadsheet to create images using zeros and ones.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- spreadsheet software (for example, Excel, Sheets, Numbers)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- use conditional formatting to automate the filling of cells based on a value.

Years 5–6 Computers, art and pixels
Students use programming skills to create pixel art incorporating binary.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- use programming skills to modify pixel-based images.

Data types and operations
What is it about?
In digital systems, data types define how information is represented internally and the operations that can be performed on it. Numbers are a data type. We can use operators such as (+) for addition, (-) for subtraction, (*) for multiplication and (/) for division.
A string is another common data type used to represent a sequence of characters that can contain letters, numbers, symbols and spaces. Strings can be joined together (concatenation), merging them into a single string. Programming can be used to illustrate the concepts of data representation and the impact of data types on operations.
Content description
Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers AC9TDI6K03
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05
This sequence enables students to:
- identify data types for example numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types
- create computer programs that perform simple operations on data types.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
Years 5–6 CS in algebra: data types
Use this video to introduce data types.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or alternatively view as a class on an interactive whiteboard
Suggested time
2 minutesEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings.

Years 5–6 Unplugged: strings and numbers
Use this unplugged lesson to introduce data types.
- printed sheets or cards (documents provided)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Getting started with Scratch: Operators
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Lesson 2: Calculator
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Lesson 5: password generator
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Years 5–6 Getting started with Scratch: Operators
This tutorial introduces operators with a programming example.
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Years 5–6 Space
This tutorial uses visual programming examples to introduce data types, strings and numbers.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Years 5–6 Lesson 2: Calculator
Use the visual programming examples to show how to make decisions (branching), include a variable and incorporate data types.
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Years 5–6 Lesson 5: password generator
Use this lesson to introduce variables and incorporate data types, strings and numbers, to create a password generator.
- free course (no registration required)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types for example numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Resources to apply and extend learning
DT Challenge: Blockly Chatbot
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Can a computer recognise your sentiment?
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Scratch: Maths rule
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Years 5–6 DT Challenge: Blockly Chatbot
Write code using data types to create word games and develop a Pirate Chatbot.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Years 5–6 Can a computer recognise your sentiment?
This lesson plan enables students to explore operators and strings to assess and categorise a user’s online comments.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Years 5–6 Scratch: Maths rule
Students can modify and remix this Scratch program example to create function machines that use the data type numbers, performs operations, and includes variables and repeat blocks.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or alternatively view as a class on an interactive whiteboard
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify data types, for example, numbers and strings
- explain the types of operations performed on data types.

Further reading and professional learning
Operator blocks
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Techclass4kids: Operators in scratch
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Years 5–6 Operator blocks
This blog explains the use of operators with relevant examples for students to use in their visual programs.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Years 5–6 Learn-Scratch-05.pdf
Background for Scratch programming. Scratch has built-in support for three data types that you can use in blocks: Booleans, numbers and strings.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Years 5–6 Techclass4kids: Operators in scratch
This blog explains the use of operators with relevant examples for students to use in their visual programs.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Digital systems, safety and security
This unit explores the internal components of a digital device and their function. It explores computers connected via networks and how to use safe behaviours in a digital world.
Achievement standards
Students securely access and use multiple digital systems and describe their components and how they interact to process and transmit data.
They identify their digital footprint and recognise its permanence.
Australian Curriculum
Content descriptions
Digital systems AC9TDI6K01, AC9TDI6K02
Privacy and security AC9TDI6P09
Related content and General capabilities
Digital Literacy: Practising digital safety and wellbeing, Select and operate tools, Protect content
Critical and Creative Thinking
This topic enables students to
- name devices on a computer network
- describe how devices in a network are connected
- identify networked devices at school or home
- describe the benefits of computer networks
- describe ways they use safe practices when accessing apps and websites.
Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.
Assessment View assessment advice
Achievement standards
Digital Technologies: Years 5-6
By the end of Year 6, students securely access and use multiple digital systems and describe their components and how they interact to process and transmit data. They identify their digital footprint and recognise its permanence.
Assessment tasks
- Informal teacher assessment of pupils during main task and plenary. Focus on understanding the different network devices and their roles.
- Formal assessment of pupils’ sketch maps indicating devices identified and details of their role within the network.
Using Digital systems: School network, students create a concept map or mind map that demonstrates what they know about digital systems, how different components are connected and the role they play, using the school network as an example.
This annotated work sample, School networks, demonstrates a satisfactory response to explaining how a school network operates.
Unit sequence
This topic offers 3 sequential units
Unit 1
Inside a computer
Students explore the main internal components of common digital systems and their function.Unit 2
Connected via a network
Students investigate familiar networks to learn about the function of the following components: network cable, hub, server, router.Unit 3
Using digital systems safely and securely
Students investigate what information can be safely shared online and describe protocols of sharing information online.Inside a computer
What is this about?
Digital devices, such as computers, need both physical parts (hardware) and instructions (software) to work. They require power, user input and an operating system to perform tasks. The operating system connects the software and hardware. The main parts that process and store data in a digital device are the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory storage. Learning about hardware and software helps students understand how technology works, enabling them to navigate and use it effectively.
Content description
Investigate the main internal components of common digital systems and their function AC9TDI6K01
This sequence enables students to:
- recognise that a digital device is made up of several parts
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.
Supplementary information
In the previous year band, students learned about peripherals and developed their knowledge of the relationship between inputs, processes and outputs of a digital device.
An important part of digital literacy is to learn how to use different software applications, navigate operating systems, manage files and folders, and perform basic computer tasks.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
How computers work: Hardware and software
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How computers work: What makes a computer, a computer?
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Hardware software – Camp coding camp
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Years 5–6 How computers work: Hardware and software
Use this video to understand the role of internal components – such as CPU and memory – have in a computer.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
5 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Years 5–6 How computers work: What makes a computer, a computer?
Use this video to discover the features that all computers share.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
5 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Years 5–6 Hardware software – Camp coding camp
This video uses a fun rap song to engage students in learning about hardware and software in a computer.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
3 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Inside your computer – Bettina Bair
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How computers work
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How computers work: CPU, memory, input & output
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Computer hardware and software: Computer fundamentals for children
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Years 5–6 Inside your computer – Bettina Bair
Use this video to provide a guide about what happens when you interact with your computer via a mouse.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
4 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Years 5–6 How computers work
Use this unplugged activity to give the students a sense of how computers work by having them act out a simple computer simulation.
- Printed sheets or cards (documents provided)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Years 5–6 How computers work: CPU, memory, input & output
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
4 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Years 5–6 Computer hardware and software: Computer fundamentals for children
Use this video to learn about hardware and software. It includes a quiz.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
3 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Resources to extend and integrate learning
Years 5–6 Difference between hardware and software
Use this quiz to learn about the differences between software and hardware.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
30 minutesEnables students to:
- identify hardware and software components of digital devices
- describe the role of hardware and software components of digital devices.

Further reading and professional learning
Years 5–6 Computing theory for 7–11 year olds
This resource for teachers is a useful background to digital technologies taught in primary schools.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Connected via a network
What is this about?
Many digital devices are connected to other digital devices, such as computers via cables, tablets and laptops via wi-fi, and smartphones via mobile phone networks. Connecting digital devices allows information to be shared between users and systems. A network can be small, connecting devices within a limited area like a home or office, or as vast as the internet, which connects millions of devices worldwide. A network is made up of components including network cables, hubs, servers and routers, each carrying out key functions.
By learning about networks, students gain a fundamental understanding of how data moves between devices, systems and users. They see the significance of global connectivity and how it has transformed the way people shop, stream content, interact, work and learn.
Content description
Examine how digital systems form networks to transmit data AC9TDI6K02
This sequence enables students to:
- identify and describe familiar networks around them
- describe how devices in a network are connected to transmit data
- identify the benefits of computer networks
- discuss why a network needs protecting
- understand that the internet is a network of networks.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
The orange game
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Computer networks: email example
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A packet's tale: How does the internet work?
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What is the internet?
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The story of wi-fi
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Years 5–6 The orange game
Use this unplugged activity to discuss a deadlock when messages are sent via the internet. A video demonstration is also available.
- two oranges or tennis balls per student
- a name tag or sticker per student
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how devices in a network are connected to transmit data.

Years 5–6 Computer networks: email example
Use this series of slides to introduce the concept of connections and moving information between connected devices.
- laptops and interactive whiteboard to share slides
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how devices in a network are connected to transmit data
- identify the benefits of computer networks.

Years 5–6 A packet's tale: How does the internet work?
Use this video to explore how information travels across the internet, and introduce the concept of packet switching.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
3 minutesEnables students to:
- describe the concept of breaking data down into packets for transmission across networks.

Years 5–6 What is the internet?
This video provides an opportunity to discuss the internet and what it is.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
4 minutesEnables students to:
- describe how devices in a network are connected together to transmit data
- explain how a global network of interconnected computer networks enables the exchange of information and communication among users worldwide.

Years 5–6 The story of wi-fi
This article and supporting video show how a team of Australian radio astronomers solved the problem of high-speed wireless internet.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or a whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
12 minutesEnables students to:
- describe how devices in a network are connected together to transmit data
- describe how electronic devices connect to the internet or communicate with each other wirelessly using radio waves.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
The internet
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Networking hardware
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What does our school network look like?
Find out more
Years 5–6 The internet
This lesson explores the internet and its uses. It includes explainer videos including about the internet and its history, and how messages can be successfully sent from one device to another across the planet in under a second using packets and IP addresses.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- electronic whiteboard to display video to class
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe the internet as a network of networks
- demonstrate how information is shared across the internet
- discuss why a network needs protecting.

Years 5–6 Networking hardware
This lesson explores the functionality of key hardware components found in a network. It covers network cables, hubs, servers and routers.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- printed worksheet supplied or electronic version of slides
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe the function of the following components found in computer networks: network cable, hub, server, router.

Years 5–6 What does our school network look like?
Use this resource to investigate the school network and learn about how computers are connected.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- printed worksheet supplied or electronic version of slides
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe the function of the following components found in computer networks: network cable, hub, server, router
- explain how the individual components of a digital system work together to perform a function.

Resources to apply and extend learning
Years 5–6 Connectivity at home
Use this take-home activity for students to investigate different forms of connectivity and discover which types can be paired with the digital systems their family owns.
- printed worksheet supplied or electronic version of slides
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify and describe familiar networks around them.

Using digital systems safely and securely
What is it about?
Students engage in online information sharing through the development of digital solutions and ensure safe interaction by adhering to suitable digital system protocols and agreed-on behaviours. They receive ongoing guidance from trusted adults to become aware of potential risks when working both independently and in collaboration. Additionally, students delve into the ways online applications and networked systems handle their data and explore methods to control their online presence.
Content descriptions
Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers AC9TDI6K03
Access multiple personal accounts using unique passphrases and explain the risks of password re-use AC9TDI6P09
This sequence enables students to:
- identify strategies to protect content and personal information when accessing online websites by setting appropriate access controls
- explain what information can be safely shared online and describe protocols of sharing information online
- explain how to use passphrases safely and securely
- describe ways to be a responsible user in an online environment
- describe ways to protect your personal information and how it may be at risk.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
Be secure
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How secure is my password?
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Set secure passphrases
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eSafety – First Nations: Connecting safely
Find out more
Years 5–6 Be secure
Use this video to discuss basic online safety skills, including why it is essential to Ask, Check and Think before acting in the digital world.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets to view the video
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify and establish personal online safety boundaries
- develop skills to question what they encounter online
- develop skills to identify problematic situations which may impact their online safety or security
- consider appropriate help seeking and reporting strategies for dealing with unsafe situations online.

Years 5–6 How secure is my password?
Use this online tool to help students better understand password security.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
30 minutesEnables students to:
- protect content and personal information when accessing online websites by setting appropriate access controls.

Years 5–6 Set secure passphrases
Students learn about passphrases that are harder to guess but easy to remember. Includes a quiz.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- protect content and personal information when accessing online websites by setting appropriate access controls.

Years 5–6 eSafety – First Nations: Connecting safely
Guidance and tips about staying safe online for First Nations students.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- protect content and personal information when accessing online websites by setting appropriate access controls.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Cybersmart Challenge
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Cybermarvel – Primary
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Protecting your personally identifiable information
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Cyber security same: Know your risks
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Digital footprint
Find out more
Years 5–6 Cybersmart Challenge
Watch these videos and find out how to be smart online. Use the videos to introduce students to key online safety issues including cyberbullying, protecting personal information and sharing images.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets to view the video
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify how to safely share content/images online
- identify what personal information is safe to put online
- identify what cyberbullying is.

Years 5–6 Cybermarvel – Primary
An introduction to cyber security with four modules on offer.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- free Grok learning accounts
Suggested time
4 hoursEnables students to:
- explain what information can be safely shared online and describe protocols of sharing information online
- explain how to use passwords safely and securely
- describe ways to protect your personal information and how it may be at risk.

Years 5–6 Protecting your personally identifiable information
This website provides the key information about being safe online.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
30 minutesEnables students to:
- explain what information can be safely shared online and describe protocols of sharing information online.

Years 5–6 Cyber security same: Know your risks
What information is safe to share online? This interactive (PowerPoint) classroom presentation can help students understand the risks.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablet
- access to slides provided
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain what information can be safely shared online and describe protocols of sharing information online.

Years 5–6 Digital footprint
Use this website to explore the trail of data, known as your digital footprint.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
30 minutesEnables students to:
- describe data that is created from your online activities
- describe ways to protect your personal information and how it may be at risk.

Resources to apply and extend learning
Cracking a code – give your passwords superpowers
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Password generator
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Making good choices online
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Smartphone security
Find out more
Years 5–6 Cracking a code – give your passwords superpowers
Play a game with a partner where you guess a three-digit code. This task can be done as a take-home activity.
- printed worksheets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain how to use passwords safely and securely.

Years 5–6 Password generator
Use this lesson to introduce variables and incorporate data types, strings and numbers, to create a password generator.
- Free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- explain how to use passwords safely and securely
- identify data types; for example, numbers and strings.

Years 5–6 Making good choices online
This lesson explores three different scenarios asking students to decide what the character should do in each online situation using the think, evaluate, choose (TEC) model.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- electronic whiteboard to view slides as a class
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe ways to be a responsible user in an online environment
- understand the need to discuss choices with a trusted adult.

Years 5–6 Smartphone security
This lesson provides an opportunity to investigate security measures, including those powered by artificial intelligence (AI), that are used to protect users from unauthorised (unapproved, unwanted) access to their digital devices.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch
Suggested time
1–2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe ways to protect use of digital devices using passphrases or biometric security
- create a program using a visual programming language that protects the user against unauthorised access.

Further reading and professional learning
Years 5–6 Privacy and security infographic (F-10)
Explore privacy and security for your Year band.
Suggested time
30 mins
Programming challenges
This unit provides a sequence for teaching programming incorporating branching, iteration (repetition) and variables.
Achievement standards
Digital Technologies: Years 5–6
By the end of Year 6 students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Australian Curriculum
Content descriptions
Generating and designing AC9TDI6P02
Producing and implementing AC9TDI6P05
Related content and General Capabilities
Related content:
- Mathematics
- The Arts
- Health and Physical Education
General capability: Critical and Creative Thinking
Cross-curriculum priority: Sustainability
This topic enables students to
- follow algorithms to determine their purpose and predict outcomes
- describe and create an algorithm that includes branching and repetition
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and repetition
- incorporate variables into a program that uses a repeat command and includes decisions that enable the user to choose different paths.
Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.
Assessment View assessment advice
Achievement standards
Digital Technologies: Years 5-6
By the end of Year 6 students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Assessment tasks
Use this assessment task All at sea for Year 5–6 that assesses programming (AC:DT V8.4)
Use this rubric to assess student skills, processes and knowledge.
Control structures (branching and iteration)
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of complexity and proficiency in:
- levels of understanding of programming blocks, specifically focusing on control structures
- identifying control structures, as well as understanding the role of variables in programming
- using control structures, variables and user input in programming tasks.
Rubric: Control structures (branching and iteration)
By the end of Year 6, students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration, and implement them as visual programs including variables.
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | |
Knowledge of visual programming blocks | demonstrates a limited understanding of visual programming blocks | can name some visual programming blocks or describe their purpose | describes the purpose of the visual programming blocks and provides relevant examples to support their understanding | explains how programming blocks are organised by type, their purpose and provides relevant examples to support their understanding. Their examples illustrate blocks to enable input, decisions, repeat steps and data stored as a variable |
Identifies control structures: investigating sample visual programs | demonstrates limited ability to describe or identify blocks in given examples and interpret the sequence of steps | identifies most block types in provided examples. Interprets the sequence of steps and identifies user input, decisions (branching) or repeat steps (iteration) | consistently identifies block types correctly in various examples. Interprets the sequence of steps, predicts outcomes of blocks and identifies user input, decisions (branching) and repeat steps (iteration) | demonstrates a high level of accuracy in identifying block types of a range of complex visual programs. Interprets the sequence of steps, predicts outcomes of blocks and identifies user input, branching and iteration. Explains ways a variable serves as a 'container' to hold and manipulate different data types within a program |
Producing and implementing visual programs | with guidance, creates a program in a sequence of steps to perform a basic task with limited opportunity for user input | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes a decision (branching) to provide the user with a choice | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps) | creates a program with multiple user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps). Includes the use of variables to hold and manipulate different data types within a program |
Unit sequence
This topic offers 3 sequential units
Unit 1
Students draw on computational thinking to follow and design algorithms with branching and repetition.Unit 2
Branching and iteration
Students implement algorithms as visual programs involving branching, iteration, variables and input.Unit 3
Introducing variables
Students learn about variable and implement these in their visual programs.Algorithms
What is this about?
Following and designing algorithms with branching and repetition draws on students’ problem-solving skills. They break down complex tasks, identify patterns and create efficient solutions using If/then statements and loops to improve efficiencies. Students analyse problems, consider possibilities and design suitable solutions as an algorithm first. An algorithm can be written as a series of steps or diagrammatically such as in a flowchart. The algorithm can then be implemented as a computer program.
Content description
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02
This sequence enables students to:
- follow algorithms to determine their purpose and predict outcomes
- explain and debug algorithms
- understand the importance of the order of statements within algorithms
- identify repeating patterns and use loops to make their algorithms more concise
- use if/then statements to add control and decision-making to algorithms, including more than two decision paths.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
coding@home TV – Primary 2 – Designing an algorithm
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Number guessing: I’m thinking of a number...
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Years 5–6 coding@home TV – Primary 2 – Designing an algorithm
Use this video to introduce algorithms with branching and repetition (iteration).
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or an interactive whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
24 minutesEnables students to:
- describe an algorithm that includes branching and repetition.

Years 5–6 Number guessing: I’m thinking of a number...
Play a number guessing game to explore algorithms.
- printed worksheets supplied
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe an algorithm that includes branching and repetition.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Years 5–6 Learning to loop
Students create algorithms with a condition that tells the computer to repeat a sequence of instructions.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe an algorithm that includes repetition
- create an algorithm that includes repetition.

Years 5–6 Making maths quizzes 1: Plan and test our programs
In this sequence of lessons students plan, create and edit a program that will ask maths questions that are harder or easier depending on user performance.
- internet access
- computer/laptop and interactive whiteboard
- large sheets of paper for recording ideas
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe an algorithm that includes branching and repetition
- create an algorithm that includes branching and repetition.

Resources to extend and integrate learning
Years 5–6 Eco-calculator
Students will make a paper prototype of an eco-calculator to demonstrate human impact on the environment and suggest changes in behaviour.
- large sheets of paper for recording
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe an algorithm that includes repetition
- create an algorithm that includes repetition.

Further reading and professional learning
Years 5–6 Algorithms infographic: Years 3-6
Use this infographic as a guide to view ways algorithms are covered for Years 3–6.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Branching and iteration
What is this about?
The sequence and flow of a program is determined by control structures such as branching or iteration (repetition). In a program, ‘if’ statements are branching control structures that allow for decisions that enable the user to choose different paths. Loops are iteration control structures that repeat instructions. These concepts are fundamental in programming across languages. Learning them in Scratch develops transferable skills for exploring new tools and languages. This unit predominantly uses Scratch; however teachers may substitute a similar visual programming language.
Content description
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05
This sequence enables students to:
- identify and explain what repeat blocks do in a program
- create a program that uses a repeat command
- explain ways to provide decisions that enable the user to choose more than two different paths
- create a program that includes decisions that enable the user to choose more than two different paths.
Supplementary information
In Scratch, students learn if/then statements to control program flow. They use comparison operators (e.g. =, <, >). For example, ‘if light level < 100, turn the light on’. As their skills develop, introduce if/else statements for multiple decisions and alternative paths when conditions aren't met. To appreciate efficiency and convenience, students learn loops – a form of iteration. Teach conditional loops like ‘repeat until’, which execute once before checking the condition. For example, in game play, ‘repeat until lives = 0’.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
coding@home TV – Primary 4 – Branching and repetition using Scratch
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Making maths quizzes 2: Implementing a digital solution
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Introduction to loops in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
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Introduction to conditionals in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
Find out more
Years 5–6 coding@home TV – Primary 4 – Branching and repetition using Scratch
Use this video to explain how to include branching and repetition to make a Scratch program more interactive and to give the user choices.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or an interactive whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
24 minutesEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to choose different paths.

Years 5–6 Making maths quizzes 2: Implementing a digital solution
In this sequence of lessons, students implement a digital solution for a maths quiz.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program.

Years 5–6 Introduction to loops in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
In this lesson students learn about loops (a form of iteration) through dance. Includes a video tutorial.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and iteration.

Years 5–6 Introduction to conditionals in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
In this lesson students learn about conditional statements (branching) using the ‘Rock, paper scissors’ game. Includes a video tutorial.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and iteration.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Getting started with Scratch – Control
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Storm survivor: Input, decision-making and loops
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DT get looping: Scratch
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Years 5–6 Getting started with Scratch – Control
This tutorial provides examples of how to use ‘control’ blocks, which control the order that blocks run in, including decisions (selection) and loops (repetition).
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe how control blocks are used in programming
- describe ways to use conditions to make decisions
- describe ways to repeat parts of the program.

Years 5–6 Storm survivor: Input, decision-making and loops
Students use a visual programming language to create a game or quiz to help members of a community prepare for a severe weather event.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- explain what repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and iteration.

Years 5–6 DT get looping: Scratch
In this short course, learn to use loops and variables in their Scratch projects.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and iteration.

Resources to apply and extend learning
Years 5–6 Can a computer recognise your sentiment?
This lesson enables students to create a program with branching and iteration to show how Artificial Intelligence assesses and categorises a user’s online comments.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- explain what repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program following an algorithm that includes branching and iteration.

Years 5–6 Microsoft Makecode arcade
Choose arcade games to explore and remix. Follow a tutorial to get started.
- register for free use of this resource to save students versions of their games
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
4–6 hoursEnables students to:
- explain what the repeat blocks do in a program
- explain ways to provide decisions in a program that enable the user to make a choice
- create a program that includes branching and iteration.

Introducing variables
What is it about?
Variables allow students to store and manipulate data within a computer program such as in a Scratch project. A variable can be used to represent different types of information, such as numbers or text, and store these values that change during program execution. They can update variables based on user input, events or calculations, which can affect the behaviour and appearance of sprites (on screen characters or objects).
Content descriptions
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05
This sequence enables students to:
- identify variables in a program
- explain what a variable is and how it is used in programming
- use variables in a program
- incorporate variables into a program that uses a repeat command and includes decisions that enable the user to choose different paths.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
coding@home TV – Primary 3 – Beginning to code in Scratch
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Race up if mountain!
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Introduction to variables in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
Find out more
Years 5–6 coding@home TV – Primary 3 – Beginning to code in Scratch
Use this video to cover ‘user input and variables’, and turn a flowchart into a digital solution.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets, or an interactive whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
24 minutesEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming.

Years 5–6 Race up if mountain!
This unplugged activity is designed to teach decision-making in programming, as well as starting to teach students about variables.
- six-sided dice, glue, scissors, coloured pencils, bottle caps as game pieces
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming.

Years 5–6 Introduction to variables in Scratch – Barclays Code Playground
In this lesson students learn about variables using a heads or tails coin toss.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a simple program that includes a variable.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Unit 4 activity: Score
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Lesson 8: Guess the number
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Getting started with Scratch: Variables
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Creative computing curriculum
Find out more
Years 5–6 Unit 4 activity: Score
Use this worksheet with sample Scratch program to introduce variables.
- computers, laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a simple program that includes a variable.

Years 5–6 Lesson 8: Guess the number
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a program that uses branching, iteration and variables in a visual program. (Refer to Scratch examples.)
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a simple program that includes a variable.

Years 5–6 Getting started with Scratch: Variables
This tutorial explains how to create a variable and provides relevant examples for students to explore.
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a simple program that includes a variable.

Years 5–6 Creative computing curriculum
Select relevant units for students to work through to develop their programming skills.
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a simple program that includes a variable.

Resources to apply and extend learning
Designing a mini-game with variables
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Getting started with Scratch: Debug
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DT challenge Year 5/6 Blockly – Chatbot
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Check out the checkout
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Fraudulent reviews
Find out more
Years 5–6 Designing a mini-game with variables
In this learning sequence, students are guided to design a mini-game for a target audience. They use a template to plan and record their ideas for a three-level game considering the main characters, theme and goal for each level. Students program their game using Scratch or a similar visual programming platform. Sample Scratch programs are provided for students to remix.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- register for free use of Scratch 3.0
Suggested time
3–4 hoursEnables students to:
- design a three-level game that has a clear purpose and is designed for a particular audience
- use branching and iteration to control the flow of their program
- use a range of variables for keeping score, keeping track of lives or the use of a timer.

Years 5–6 Getting started with Scratch: Debug
This short tutorial provides useful tips on debugging as students program in Scratch.
- free course, no registration required
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe and explain how an algorithm is implemented as a program
- describe ways to debug their program and explain the parts of their program.

Years 5–6 DT challenge Year 5/6 Blockly – Chatbot
Write code using data types to create word games and develop a Pirate Chatbot. Requires free log in.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a program that includes a variable.

Years 5–6 Check out the checkout
This sequence of lessons explores how to incorporate user input, decision-making, loops and variables in programming using the context of a shopping experience, particularly the checkout.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- access to Scratch 3.0 desktop version or similar visual programming language
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a program that includes a variable, branching and iteration.

Years 5–6 Fraudulent reviews
In this course, students use language analysis to unravel the mysteries of suspicious reviews and begin to distinguish between genuine and fake reviews.
- computers. laptops or tablets
- free registration to Grok Learning to use Blockly
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe and explain how a variable is used in programming
- create a program that includes a variable, branching and iteration.

Further reading and professional learning
Programming infographic: Years 3–6
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Understanding program comprehension using the Block Model
Find out more
Years 5–6 Programming infographic: Years 3–6
Use this infographic as a guide to view ways programming is covered for Years 3–6.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Years 5–6 Understanding program comprehension using the Block Model
Program comprehension has been recognised as an important step in learning to program. Read this article to learn more.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Designing a digital solution
This unit explores the user-centred design process through three different pathways that incorporate visual programming. Familiarise students with the design process and use of user stories to identify user needs. Next, choose one pathway that suits your students’ needs, school context and available resources.
Achievement standards
By the end of Year 6 students develop and modify digital solutions, and define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria.
Pathways 2 and 3 also include:
Students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Australian Curriculum
Content descriptions
Investigating and defining AC9TDI6P01
Generating and designing AC9TDI6P03, AC9TDI6P04
For pathway 2 and 3:
Evaluating AC9TDI6P06
Producing and implementing AC9TDI6P05
Generating and designing AC9TDI6P02
Related content and General Capabilities
Science: Physical sciences AC9S6U03
The Arts: Music: Creating and making; Dance: Creating and making
Critical and Creative Thinking
Cross curriculum priority: Sustainability
This topic enables students to
- follow the design process (empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test)
- generate a design to solve an identified problem based on user needs and design criteria
- test and evaluate the solution against user needs and design criteria.
For pathway 2 and 3
- design a project that uses inputs and outputs in a 3D immersive environment or on a controllable virtual or physical device
- create computer programs that involve sequencing, branching, iteration and variables.
Supplementary information
Each pathway has a slightly different focus.
The main focus of the pathway ‘Design for all using Makey Makey’ is to enable students to develop and modify digital solutions, define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria. It draws on basic programming knowledge but is not intended to fully meet the implementation aspects of the achievement standards for this level.
The pathway ‘Design a community space in 3D’ focuses on immersive 3D environments and enables students to develop and modify digital solutions, define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria. It includes programming and can provide evidence towards the achievement standards related to implementation for this level.
The pathway ‘Design an automated solution’ enables students to develop and modify digital solutions, define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria. It also requires students to draw on and develop relevant programming skills and processes that relate to the ‘Producing and implementing’ aspects of the achievement standards for this level.
Watch this video for a quick overview of the unit and how to use its resources with your students.
Assessment View assessment advice
Achievement standards
Digital Technologies: Years 5-6
By the end of Year 6 students develop and modify digital solutions, and define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria.
Pathways 2 and 3 also include:
Students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables.
Select the relevant rubric depending on the selected pathway for this topic.
Designing a solution incorporating Makey Makey
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of:
- knowledge of Makey Makey board components connected as a circuit and identifies conductible/non-conductible materials (Science)
- defining problems, developing user stories and identifying design criteria
- evaluating solutions using user stories and design criteria.
Design a community space in 3D
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of complexity and proficiency in:
- defining problems and evaluating solutions
- using control structures, variables and user input in programming tasks. It emphasises the progression from basic sequences to more advanced programs with complex branching, iteration and the use of variables.
Design an automated solution
This rubric provides benchmarks for assessing different levels of complexity and proficiency in:
- defining problems and evaluating solutions
- using control structures, variables and user input in programming tasks. It emphasises the progression from basic sequences to more advanced programs with complex branching, iteration and the use of variables.
Rubric: Designing a solution incorporating Makey Makey
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | |
Knowledge of Makey Makey board and interface Science (Explains a circuit and conductible/ non-conductible materials.) | identifies and describes the following parts: Scratch program or online interface, Makey Makey board, USB cord, Alligator clips, conductible/non-conductible materials | assembles the parts in the correct manner to achieve a working circuit using at least one conductive material | assembles the parts in the correct manner to achieve a working circuit and links desired on-screen events that are triggered on receiving the keystroke | assembles the parts in the correct manner to achieve a working circuit, identifying conductible/non-conductible materials. Explains how the circuit works and demonstrates the key strokes to control the desired event |
Generate designs incorporating a Makey Makey board and interface/Scratch program Define problems and develop user stories and identify design criteria. | has not defined the problem or identified user needs in their design | defines the problem, identifies the user needs and how their design meets those needs | defines the problem, identifies user needs, develops a user story showing the goal to be accomplished and the reason for the goal | clearly defines the problem and identifies user needs, develops a user story showing the goal to be accomplished and the reason for the goal. The design clearly shows how the user experience is improved and meets the user needs and design criteria |
Create and evaluate digital solution Evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria. | uses an existing program and connects a Makey Makey board to create a working solution | uses an existing program and connects a Makey Makey board to create a working solution based on user needs | follows their design, which incorporates the user story, tests their solution to ensure it meets the user needs and makes changes as required. Uses an existing program such as a Scratch program | follows their design, which incorporates the user story, tests their solution to ensure it meets the user needs and makes changes as required. Explains how the solution meets the user need and justifies the design choices. Modifies or creates their own interface such as a Scratch program |
Rubric: Design a community space in 3D
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | |
Design and create a community space in Minecraft | describes some basic elements of a community space | describes elements of a community space and their purpose and organisation within the Minecraft environment | describes and creates a thoughtful community space design that is functional and visually appealing, considers the needs and preferences of potential users | describes and creates a thoughtful community space design that is functional and visually appealing, considers the needs and preferences of potential users. Explains reasons such as usability and aesthetics |
Produce and implement visual programs (in Minecraft) | with guidance, creates a program with basic sequential commands, such as moving or placing blocks in a logical order | creates a program with sequential commands, uses conditional statements to control the flow of the program and adapts to various in-game situations or employs loops to repeat actions | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps) | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps). Includes variables to store and manipulate data, enhancing the program's functionality |
Rubric: Design an automated solution
1 (limited) | 2 (basic) | 3 (proficient) | 4 (advanced) | ||
Design and create a digital solution using micro:bit | with guidance, proposes a solution to a problem, but lacks clarity or practicality | designs a solution that addresses the problem, showing some consideration for user needs | designs a thoughtful and practical solution that effectively addresses the problem and considers user needs | designs a thoughtful and practical solution that effectively addresses the problem and considers user needs. Explains design criteria for key functions in terms of the user | |
Produce and implement visual programs (micro:bit) | with guidance, creates a program with basic sequential commands | creates a program with sequential commands and uses conditional statements to control the flow of the program or employs loops to repeat actions | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps) | creates a program with user input in a sequence of logical steps that includes multiple decisions (complex branching) and iteration (repeat steps). Includes variables to store and manipulate data, enhancing the program's functionality |
Unit sequence
This topic offers 3 pathways
Core Unit
User-focused design process
Students are introduced to the design process (empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test).Design for all using Makey Makey
Students design a digital solution that solves a problem for a user with an identified need. They incorporate the Makey Makey board into their design.Design a community space in 3D
Using the context of designing a community space students create and test their digital solution against the user stories and design criteria.Design an automated solution
Students design an automated solution enables students to apply their programming knowledge and skills to solve a problem or challenge.User-focused design process
What is this about?
Students are introduced to the design process (empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test). This process begins with empathising with the users and identifying their needs. It involves creating user stories to inform design considerations. In the define phase, the problem or challenge is defined, identifying goals and any constraints that need to be address in the design. In the ideate phase, various solutions are generated through brainstorming. Next a prototype is developed which can be paper-based or simple digital mock ups. The test phase involves getting feedback from the user to gain insights on usability and effectiveness in meeting the design criteria.
Once students have developed familiarity and confidence with the design process and the use of user stories, they can be presented with a specific problem or challenge that requires designing a digital solution. These are presented as options in the three pathways for this unit.
Content descriptions
Define problems with given or co-developed design criteria and by creating user stories AC9TDI6P01
Design a user interface for a digital system AC9TDI6P03
Generate, modify, communicate and evaluate designs AC9TDI6P04
Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria and user stories and their broader community impact AC9TDI6P06
This sequence enables students to:
- define the problem and identify user needs
- develop a user story showing the goal to be accomplished and the reason for the goal
- generate a design to solve an identified problem based on user needs and design criteria
- test and evaluate the solution against user needs and design criteria.
Supplementary information
The emphasis on empathising with users and understanding their needs is an important phase in designing solutions that really address users’ requirements. Creating user stories is an effective way to capture and communicate user needs, and it helps designers keep the users' perspectives at the forefront throughout the design process.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
Human-centered design sits at the intersection of empathy and creativity
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coding@home TV – Finding a target audience
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Design thinking process – Empathising
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Redesign the school lunch experience
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Years 5–6 Human-centered design sits at the intersection of empathy and creativity
View the video (duration 1:55 min) to introduce design process.
- internet access
- computer and interactive whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
2 minutesEnables students to:
- describe steps of design to suit user needs and importance of empathising
- explain the importance of identifying the needs of a user.

Years 5–6 coding@home TV – Finding a target audience
View the video (duration 23:36 min) to introduce understanding the user needs in the design process, using the example of a chat bot.
- internet access
- computer and interactive whiteboard to view as a class
Suggested time
24 minutesEnables students to:
- describe steps of design to suit user needs and importance of empathising
- explain the importance of identifying the needs of a user.

Years 5–6 Design thinking process – Empathising
In this lesson students explore the design thinking process of empathising to understand more about the users and the problem they are trying to solve.
- sticky notes
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe steps of design to suit user needs and importance of empathising
- identify the needs of a user.

Years 5–6 Redesign the school lunch experience
Use this unplugged activity to help your students focus on user needs and follow the design process. (You could substitute a different focus instead of school lunches).
- printed worksheets (provided by resource)
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- identify the needs of a user
- define the problem
- generate possible solutions
- create a prototype and gain feedback on design.

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
User stories and design criteria: Fair use of the school basketball court
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User story
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DT applied: Design thinking
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DT applied: Design Thinking: Student resources
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Years 5–6 User stories and design criteria: Fair use of the school basketball court
Use this slidedeck to support and guide students to develop a user story and design criteria as part of the ideation phase of design process.
- slides (PowerPoint)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify needs of a user
- create a user story
- explain how a user story is used in the design process
- develop design criteria based on a user's needs and goals.

Years 5–6 User story
Use this slidedeck to support and guide students to develop a user story as part of the ideation phase of design process.
- slides (PowerPoint)
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- identify needs of a user
- create a user story
- explain how a user story is used in the design process.

Years 5–6 DT applied: Design thinking
This module introduces students to Design Thinking, a set of techniques and processes for solving problems.
- register for free use of this tutorial and assign students to this task
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
Suggested time
5 hoursEnables students to:
- identify needs of a user
- define the problem
- generate possible solutions
- create a prototype and gain feedback on design.

Years 5–6 DT applied: Design Thinking: Student resources
A comprehensive resource with printable handouts for students to engage in the design process.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- identify needs of a user
- define the problem
- generate possible solutions
- create a prototype and gain feedback on design.

Further reading and professional learning
Years 5–6 knowledgehut: Agile user story example and templates
An article that provides insights into user stories and how to write them.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Design for all using Makey Makey
What is this about?
Students design a digital solution that solves a problem for a user with an identified need. As students design a digital solution, they can apply their understanding of how data is input and output by digital systems. Students empathise with the target audience, going through a process of ideation and then design. Creating enables students to test whether their design works as expected. Makey Makey is a simple circuit board that enables students to turn any conductible surface into an input device for their computer. Students can incorporate the Makey Makey board into their design.
Content descriptions
Define problems with given or co-developed design criteria and by creating user stories AC9TDI6P01
Design a user interface for a digital system AC9TDI6P03
Generate, modify, communicate and evaluate designs AC9TDI6P04
Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria and user stories and their broader community impact AC9TDI6P06
This sequence enables students to:
- define the problem and identify user needs
- develop a user story, showing the goal to be accomplished and the reason for the goal
- generate a design to solve an identified problem based on user needs and design criteria
- test and evaluate the solution against user needs and design criteria.
Supplementary information
Input devices allow us to enter raw data into a computer. A digital system, such as a tablet or desktop computer, processes the data. It then produces outputs that are communicated using an output device. Input devices can be manual or automatic. Data such as text, images, sound and numbers are input into a digital system using a range of digital devices. The output is communicated using different components; for example, a speaker for sound. To enable data input, specific software may be required; for example, to gain audio and video input from a webcam, the digital system requires suitable software. This software is also used to output the webcam data to a screen. Users of digital systems need to have the ability to enter data into computers. Various peripheral devices have been created to fulfil this need and this process of invention continues.
The Makey Makey board will plug directly into the computer’s USB peripheral port and essentially behave like an input device. When specific keys are pressed the Makey Makey board can mimic those keystrokes. Students can explore and use different materials to test ways to provide an input that has a functional benefit for their user. For example, users with limited fine-motor control may benefit from a design that has larger, easier controls to use keyboard strokes – such as up, down, left and right arrows – to interact with a game. Makey Makey is an invention kit available for purchase that allows you to interact with a computer, using everyday objects as a replacement for inputs such as a keyboard or computer mouse. Activating a key means creating a closed circuit. For the circuit to work, electrons have to be able to flow from the Makey Makey input key to Makey Makey’s ground pin. So materials chosen as the input must conduct some level of electrical energy. This includes aluminium foil, a banana and even a circuit drawn in grey lead pencil.
Resources to include
Resources to introduce
What are inputs and outputs?
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Ultimate stomping pad
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Makey Makey orchestra
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Years 5–6 What are inputs and outputs?
Revise inputs and outputs, and introduce and demonstrate Makey Makey as another form of input that can replace keyboard strokes.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
30 minutesEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application that are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- describe the ways to use the Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event.

Years 5–6 Ultimate stomping pad
Use this lesson to design a dance incorporating a stomping mat.
- iInternet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
2 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Years 5–6 Makey Makey orchestra
In this learning sequence students explore an orchestra and use Makey Makey to make a musical instrument for an ensemble.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Resources to develop and consolidate learning
Design thinking, game controllers, and adaptive technology – Michael Bycraft
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Prototype game controller soccer app
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New Makey Makey plug and play interactive poster app
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Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students
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Years 5–6 Design thinking, game controllers, and adaptive technology – Michael Bycraft
Explore designs using Makey Makey to create assistive technology for others.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application that are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Years 5–6 Prototype game controller soccer app
Explore designs using Makey Makey to create game controllers for others.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application that are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Years 5–6 New Makey Makey plug and play interactive poster app
This lesson introduces students to designing an interactive poster combining Scratch and Makey Makey.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
- scratch V3 programming environment
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application that are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Years 5–6 Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students
These lesson ideas demonstrate how to combine Makey Makey and Scratch to create all sorts of interesting solutions with students, as well as teach the basics of circuitry, conductive materials and algorithms.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
- scratch V3 programming environment
Suggested time
3 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application that are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations).

Resources to extend and integrate learning
Makey Makey braille calculator by Tracy Zhang
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Investigating conductivity with Makey Makey boards
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Years 5–6 Makey Makey braille calculator by Tracy Zhang
Use this lesson as inspiration to create a calculator for a person with no or low vision.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
- scratch V3 programming environment
Suggested time
5 hoursEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- describe the events of a computer program or application are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event
- describe the sequence of their algorithm including any loops (iterations), branching and variables.

Years 5–6 Investigating conductivity with Makey Makey boards
In this sequence of lessons students explore how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits, using Makey Makey boards as the basis for experimentation and recoding of data.
- internet access
- computers, laptops or tablets
- Makey Makey board
- conductive materials
Suggested time
1 hourEnables students to:
- describe digital systems as having inputs and outputs
- classify materials as conductive or non-conductive
- describe the events of a computer program or application are triggered by a keyboard stroke
- use a Makey Makey board to replace the keyboard strokes to trigger an event.

Professional learning
Case study – Spotlighted unit – Game controller design
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Scratch and Makey Makey (June 2017)
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Years 5–6 Case study – Spotlighted unit – Game controller design
View this case study for a way to incorporate Makey Makey into design thinking for a person with colour blindness.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Years 5–6 Scratch and Makey Makey (June 2017)
This webinar presented by Jo Klein, focuses on design thinking by integrating Makey Makey and Scratch.
Suggested time
30 minutes
Design a community space in 3D
What is it about?
Designing, building and exploring virtual worlds that resemble the real world allows students to apply coding skills in a practical context. They can build structures, automate tasks and create contraptions drawing on, and developing, programming skills. Minecraft enables students to engage in an immersive virtual 3D environment and allows them to see the immediate results of their code. They can quickly iterate, test different approaches, and observe how changes affect their virtual world. This feedback loop promotes a hands-on learning experience and helps students grasp coding concepts. Using the context of designing a community space (which can incorporate green city or green building design), students define the problem, identifying user needs. They create user stories based on user needs. They create and test their digital solution against the user stories and design criteria.
Content descriptions
Define problems with given or co-developed design criteria and by creating user stories AC9TDI6P01
Design a user interface for a digital system AC9TDI6P03
Generate, modify, communicate and evaluate designs AC9TDI6P04
Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria and user stories and their broader community impact AC9TDI6P06
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration AC9TDI6P02
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input AC9TDI6P05
This sequence enables students to:
- define the problem and identify user needs
- develop a user story showing the goal to be accomplished and the reason for the goal
- generate a design to solve an identified problem based on user needs and design criteria
- design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration
- create computer programs that involve sequencing, branching, iteration and variables
- test and evaluate the solution against user needs and design criteria.