Newsletter archive
Our monthly newsletter delivers the latest digitech news straight to your inbox. We highlight key topics in the curriculum, spotlight relevant lesson ideas, digest digitech in the news, find the best PD events nationally, and much more.
- December: Design thinking in context infographics; Lesson ideas
- August: New AI Unplugged lesson ideas; New F–10 Infographics
- May: New lesson ideas with a focus on First Nations Australian perspectives; F–10 Infographics
- February: AI classroom resources; AI course: Updated Scope & sequence; New lesson ideas
- November 2023: AI resources
- August 2023: Data representation, Algorithms and Programming
- May 2023: Planning for assessment in Digital Technologies
- February 2023: Computational thinking
- October 2022: Algorithms
- June 2022: Classroom ideas; Lesson plans; Scratch tutorial
- March 2022: New menu and navigation; Search functionality
- December 2021: 'Getting started' ideas; Family tasks
- October 2021: AI explainers; Lesson ideas; Professional learning
- March 2021: Hot off the press!; Effective pedagogies; Learning design
- December 2020: AI lessons; Implementation plan; Learning@home; Careers; Professional learning
- August 2020: IA user testings invitation; Webinar; AI resources
- June 2020: Arcade game competition; years 5-8 resources; upcoming School leaders webinar
- April 2020: Learning at home resources; AI resources; CSER resources; programming courses
- February 2020: Featured links; upcoming events
- December 2019: Chain reactions families competition; new School Leaders and AI sections
- October 2019: Hour of Code; Anti-bullying AI; Popular tech resources
- September 2019: Girls in Tech
- August 2019: Algortithms and programming
- July 2019: Artificial Intelligence
- May 2019: Inclusive Education
- April 2019: Data science
- November 2018: Inclusive education
- October 2018: Assessment
- August 2018: Computer programming
- July 2018: Data and data science
- June 2018: Exploring artificial intelligence in the classroom
- May 2018: Technologies to support your teaching and learning programs
- March 2018: Integrating digital technologies into other subject areas
- February 2018: Scope and Sequence
- December 2017: End of year update
- November 2017: Girls in Tech
- September/October 2017: Digital citizenship
- August 2017: Assessment
- July 2017: Cyber security
- June 2017: Online safety
- May 2017: Data and representation
- April 2017: Implementation
- March 2017: Computer Science Unplugged
- February 2017: Computational Thinking
- January 2017: Implementing the new Curriculum
- November 2016: Digital Technologies Hub update