CS Unplugged: Field guide: Artificial Intelligence

An online resource for teaching Computer Science to students, this chapter focusses on Artificial Intelligence. This chapter explores a range of intelligent systems and also considers ethical and philosophical issues that often are part of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape. Find out about computer programs (chatterbots) designed to have a conversation with a human and sound intelligent.

Additional details

Year band(s) 7-8, 9-10
Format Web page
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Design the user experience of a digital system


Generate, modify, communicate and evaluate alternative designs


Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria, user stories and possible future impact


Design and prototype the user experience of a digital system


Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria, user stories, possible future impact and opportunities for enterprise

Technologies & Programming Language​s Artificial Intelligence
Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Philosophical issues, AI, Chatterbots, Turing test

University of Canterbury, New Zealand


University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.