Can an AI recognise what you are drawing

This lesson provides an opportunity to incorporate representation of data using a relevant context being studied in the classroom. Students represent an object using a line drawing, focusing on the features of the object that enable it to be easily recognised. Students experiment with creating representations using an AI drawing tool that guesses what is being drawn.

Additional details

Year band(s) Foundation, 1-2
Content type Lesson ideas
Format Web page
Core and overarching concepts Data representation, Abstraction
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Represent data as objects, pictures and symbols


Represent data as pictures, symbols, numbers and words

Technologies & Programming Language​s Artificial Intelligence
Keywords Artificial Intelligence, AI, artificial, intelligence, teachable machine, smart phone, algorithms, problem solving, digital systems, Lesson idea, Lesson plan, Digital Technologies Institute, Karsten Schulz, autodraw, quickdraw quick draw
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs The Arts, Digital Literacy



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