Years 9–10: Programming

This unit builds on the algorithm design and general-purpose programming skills developed in years 7–8, continuing in the use of Python or JavaScript.

Students practise using logical operators such as OR, NOT and AND in their algorithms. They employ formal validation in their code and use test cases for testing it. They are introduced to data structures like lists in their code implementation, and practise using debugging tools to step through and analyse their code.

Finally, they explore the object-oriented paradigm for organising code.

Additional details

Year band(s) 9-10
Content type Scope and sequence, Whole School
Format Web page
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Design algorithms involving logical operators and represent them as flowcharts and pseudocode


Validate algorithms and programs by comparing their output against a range of test cases


Implement, modify and debug modular programs, applying selected algorithms and data structures, including in an object-oriented programming language

Keywords scope and sequence, scope, sequence
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs Mathematics, Digital Literacy, Critical and creative thinking



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