CS Unplugged: Field guide: Human Computer Interaction

An online resource for teaching Computer Science to students, this chapter focusses on Human Computer Interaction. This chapter provides advice about how to make programs useful, usable, and accessible to humans. The chapter covers areas of Users and tasks, Interface usability and Usability heuristics.

Additional details

Year band(s) 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
Format Web page
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Discuss how existing digital systems satisfy identified needs for known users


Discuss how existing and student solutions satisfy the design criteria and user stories


Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria and user stories and their broader community impact


Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria, user stories and possible future impact


Design and prototype the user experience of a digital system


University of Canterbury, New Zealand


University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.