Schools Cyber Security Challenges
The Challenges explore general topics like personal information security and data sharing, as well as technical topics such as cryptography and network security. A range of engaging activities involving investigation, deduction and programming develop student knowledge, skills and dispositions as they work their way through increasingly difficult problems.
Additional details
Year band(s) | 9-10 |
Content type | Student challenges |
Format | Web page |
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s) |
Develop cyber security threat models, and explore a software, user or software supply chain vulnerability |
Keywords | Challenges, Personal information security, Data security, Cryptography, Network security, Password strength, Private information, Data representation, Encryption, Cybercrime, Hackers, Cyber security |
Organisation | Australian Computer Academy |
Copyright | Unless otherwise indicated, this material may be used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. |
Related resources
First Robotics Competition
This site provides access to enter in the 'First Robotics Competition', a competition whereby students come together to build robots and develop teamworking skills.
Pedestrian counting system
The City of Melbourne's 24-hour pedestrian counting system measures pedestrian activity in the city each day.
Student challenges
These challenges will help you to learn and practise digital technology skills at your own pace.
Student resources
Get inspiration from other students, develop your skills and undertake a project or challenge.
Inspiring projects
These suggestions are designed to support parents to help their child with Digital Technologies. They provide details about projects, courses, coding and purchasing technology products.