DLSG Case Study: Glenallen School
The Digital Literacy Schools Grants (DLSG) grant enabled Glenallen School to purchase: a Tobii eyegaze computer system and software; accessible STEM equipment; and accessible Blue Bots and mBots. Glenallen School, located in Glen Waverly, Victoria, provides learning programs for students who have a physical disability and complex medical needs. It received a $19,400 grant in the DLSG round 1.
Additional details
Year band(s) | Foundation, 7-8, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 9-10 |
Content type | School stories |
Format | Web page |
Technologies & Programming Languages | Electronic programming boards, other programming languages, Robotics and drones, AR / VR |
Organisation | Department of Education, Skills and Employment. |
Copyright | © Commonwealth of Australia. |
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