Network infographic

About this lesson
In this assessment task, students demonstrate their ability to distinguish between different types of networks and defined purposes. Throughout the lesson sequence, students keep and maintain a reflection log with key content to inform the development of an infographic.
Year band: 7-8
Curriculum Links Achievement StandardCurriculum Links
Years 7-8
Content Descriptors
Investigate how data is transmitted and secured in wired and wireless networks including the internet (AC9TDI8K02)
Achievement Standard
Digital Technologies: Achievement Standard (years 7-8)
By the end of Year 8, select appropriate hardware for particular tasks, explain how data is transmitted and secured in networks, and identify cyber security threats.
Students design and trace algorithms; and implement them in a general-purpose programming language. Students create and adapt design ideas, processes and solutions, and justify their decisions against developed design criteria that include sustainability. They communicate design ideas and solutions to audiences using technical terms and graphical representation techniques, including using digital tools. Students manage their digital footprint.
Learning sequence
Collected reflection notes through the unit learning tasks - use a simple table format (with example entries):
Date | Task(s) | Key Points | Notes |
1/1/18 | Encryption with Microbits |
How secure is my home network? Is my brother spying on my laptop? |
Ideally kept in Class OneNote or similar; otherwise handwritten or locally stored school-based document is suitable.
Using an appropriate program (Adobe Illustrator, Infogram, or Canva), students will develop an infographic detailing the differences between wired and wireless networks at home, school and at public places (such as council parks, McDonalds etc). Students draw on their own research (through reflection notes) and investigate the networks they commonly use. Students should note the differences in bandwidth, access and security between networks.
The infographic should have significant information presented in a visually appealing way; although the design elements themselves are not assessable.
See the infographic below for an example or download it here as a .pdf or .png file.
Use a rubric to assess students against agreed criteria.
Emerging | Developing | Proficient | Extending | |
Reflection notes about networks they commonly use | Notes contain information about one type of network. Two or less references are cited. |
Notes contain information about several common networks. Five or fewer reference resources are cited. |
Clear notes describe their use of common networks and relevant information about the differences between them. More than five reference resources are cited. |
Extensive notes describe their use of common networks and refer to research conducted through relevant resources and key claims are linked to reference materials and cited. |
Differences between wired and wireless networks at home, school and at public places | Identifies a difference (bandwidth, access or security) between two networks. | Describes several examples of differences or similarities between networks including examples of bandwidth, access and security. | Clearly describes differences or similarities in bandwidth, access and security between networks. Describes some impacts on users. | Clearly describes differences or similarities in bandwidth, access and security between networks and the impact on users with messages on how to protect yourself. |
Visual presentation of information. | Images and text are used to convey information. | Relevant images and well-constructed text are used to convey information. | Relevant images and well-constructed text are used to convey information effectively. The infographic is well designed with consideration about placement of text and images. |
Relevant images and well-constructed text are used to convey information effectively. The infographic is well designed with consideration about placement of text and images. |
Measurement indicators
Students have articulated the main differences between networks at home, school and public. They have noted security concerns.
Students have cited all relevant references in a bibliography or reference list.
Guidance for use
At the beginning of the unit, students should set up their reflection table and include headings. As they move through the unit, encourage students to update and review the table, adding new definitions and sources as they come across them.
Teacher reflection
For Year 7, it is expected that a typical student cohort will have a wide range of experiences with DT; some very little, some comprehensive. For differentiation, facilitate a mix of explicit and inquiry-based methods.