Pedestrian counting system

The system counts pedestrian movements to give the City of Melbourne a better understanding of how people use the city so we can manage the way they function and plan for future needs. The online visualisation tool is an interactive map of these sensor locations, which enables users to see pedestrian counts on particular dates and times and compare data.

Additional details

Year band(s) 7-8, 9-10
Content type Tools for learning, Student challenges
Format Interactive
Core and overarching concepts Data representation, Data interpretation
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Analyse and visualise data using a range of software, including spreadsheets and databases, to draw conclusions and make predictions by identifying trends


Analyse and visualise data interactively using a range of software, including spreadsheets and databases, to draw conclusions and make predictions by identifying trends and outliers

Keywords Real data, Data representation, Online visualisation tool, Interactive map, Sensors, Location data, Pedestrian statistics, Melbourne city
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs HASS

City of Melbourne


2017 City of Melbourne